Shipping details

In most cases your prints are shipped in a sealed, cardboard tube.

Inside it you will find:
1 list of contents,
1 instruction sheet that tells you how to handle your prints and how to preserve its quality and longevity
your prints, each covered by a protective sheet of acid free paper,
1 copy of your invoice,
1 Certificate of authenticity for each limited edition print.
Possibly – other packing- and protective materials,
All tubes have a return address, either inside or pasted on the outside.

insuring your shipment

FedEx insured shipments cost (2019) per print, ‘*’ Euro’s, including taxes.

Additional fees and Shipping to remote locations

Some zones are out of delivery or out of pick up for FedEx.
Surcharges will apply with a minimum fee of 20 Euro’s.
For a detailed list and for additional costs look here: out-of-delivery-areas and out-of-pickup-areas

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